Been testing out 40 but I like 41 better

Been testing out 40 but I like 41 better

Going away for birthdays is my new fave thing. I did it for my 40th and it felt really good. This year, my birthday weekend at the lake was even better. Home for the weekend at the lake Shared by my cousin Angela. Love it so much! Birthdays are weird for me - can't get [...]

Where to donate + at any level #BlackLivesMatter

Where to donate + at any level #BlackLivesMatter

We can’t all participate in protests but there is something we can do. One of those is to sign petitions and the other is to donate. I have listed two categories below: donate by shopping and donate to organizations. Donate by Shopping There are some amazing companies out there who are busily creating to sell [...]

One way you can support #BlackLivesMatter and fight racial injustice: Sign Petitions

One way you can support #BlackLivesMatter and fight racial injustice: Sign Petitions

I’m not on the front lines protesting but I still want to support the fight in some way. One way is to sign petitions! It only takes a minute! It took me 6 minutes to complete all of the ones in the list below. If you want to support, I’ll share the links below. #SurreyStandUp [...]

What I said to my kids about racial injustice + a HIIT workout to help get through the heaviness.

What I said to my kids about racial injustice + a HIIT workout to help get through the heaviness.

The girls and I went to get a drive-thru lunch yesterday. While we were waiting for our food, I took the opportunity to talk about racism and the current events with racial injustice and police brutality.⁣⁣I limit this on my Insta to avoid trolls and exasperating arguments that the don’t end well. But I can’t [...]